
9 months ago

Thriving Together with the Living Wage Rise

In a recent announcement at the Conservative Party conference, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt confirmed that from April 2024, the UK's national living wage will substantially increase to at least £11 an hour. This move would benefit approximately two million of the country's lowest-paid workers.

While this wage increase is undoubtedly a positive development for workers, it may raise several questions for businesses, particularly SMEs.

The National Living Wage

The ‘national living wage’, established in 2016, is the minimum hourly wage for workers over 23. The current rate stands at £10.42 per hour, with lower rates applying to younger employees.

Each year, the Government reviews the rate guided by advice from the independent group, the Low Pay Commission (LPC). In most cases, the Government follows the commission's recommendations.

How the Rise Benefits Employees

The immediate and most apparent change for the two million workers who will benefit from this wage increase is the boost to their income. Those earning below the new threshold will have more money in their pockets.

Young apprentice in a joinery workshopThe increase in the national living wage means that employees will have a more realistic chance of improving their quality of life. This quality of life improvement includes having the means to afford better housing, access to healthier food options and the ability to engage in activities that contribute to their overall well-being.

Higher wages can lead to increased job satisfaction and overall happiness in the workplace. Employees who are paid fairly for their work are much more likely to feel valued and motivated. This boost in morale can positively affect productivity and company culture - a positive consequence for employers.

For many employees, the cost of living has been outgrowing salaries in recent years. While the living wage increase will provide much-needed relief, some workers may still find themselves playing catch-up due to inflation.

How the Increase Affects SMEs

While the increase in the national living wage is a big step toward addressing income inequality and improving the financial well-being of workers, it poses some challenges for SMEs, which make up a significant portion of the UK's businesses.

For SMEs, the obvious consequence of the increase is higher labour costs. While larger corporations likely have the financial flexibility to absorb these increased costs relatively easily, SMEs might need help to adjust their budgets accordingly. Many SMEs operate on narrow profit margins. A bigger wage bill could put additional pressure on these margins, potentially affecting their sustainability.

These businesses are often battling against larger companies in their respective industries. To remain competitive, they may need to consider increasing prices, which could, in turn, impact their ability to attract and retain customers.

How SMEs Should Adapt

Adapting to the changing wage landscape quickly is vital for SMEs. While the challenges are evident, there are opportunities for growth and evolution, like assessing operations to improve efficiency and boost productivity. Businesses could also explore additional revenue streams or new markets to help offset the new expenses.

Investing in employee training will create a more skilled workforce, better justifying higher wage costs. SMEs should carefully consider the impact of price adjustments, communicating any price changes transparently to maintain customer trust.

Paying it Forward

The national living wage increase is a significant and positive step in improving the lives of low-paid workers. Equally, it presents challenges and opportunities for SMEs. By carefully assessing their operations, embracing innovation and adapting swiftly, SMEs can continue to thrive with their employees.

One of the most apparent benefits of an increase in the living wage is increased consumer spending. Those with a higher income are likely to spend more, which can benefit SMEs, as employees sharing their employer's vision are more likely to spend money at other SMEs and support them. This ideology is especially likely, as an increased wage gives people more options on where to shop, rather than being restricted to low-cost options offered by larger companies.

As changes to the living wage will take effect in April 2024, SMEs should begin preparing for the increased wage costs to ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved.

Bridging the Gap

Adapting to the increased national living wage may be a financial juggling act for SMEs. Fortunately, options are available to help bridge the gap between their existing capabilities and the higher wage costs.

While business loans can be a valuable resource, it's vital for businesses to carefully consider their financial strategy and seek professional advice when exploring this option. By using business finance wisely, SMEs can weather the challenges presented by the living wage rise and thrive in the evolving economic landscape.

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Sam White