SMEs within the UK outsourcing nearly half of their work to EU citizens

7 years ago

SMEs within the UK outsourcing nearly half of their work to EU citizens

Regardless of whether you were for or against Brexit, a year ago it was announced that the UK was to leave the European Union

As continuous negotiations remain on the table over whether to approach Brexit ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ is high on all political parties’ agendas, and research conducted by PeoplePerHour (PPH) reveals what UK SMEs are thinking when the topic of hiring those within freelancing from the EU is.

Many take on freelance contractors to work on their business’s developments regularly while a small amount hired within Europe. However, of those who are currently hiring within Europe, 47% believe that the shadow of an increase in bureaucracy after leaving the EU does monger. They trust that this will tamper with their confidence in hiring freelance contractors from Europe.

On a slightly more positive note, for the freelancing community research uncovered that nearly two thirds are now more willing to hire within the European freelancing community during the transition period of Brexit, over 50% are also more inclined to spend more money on them.

The survey found of those who responded, just 13% of small businesses currently export within Europe.

However, 63% do fear and question where the money will come from to continue running their small business. Of those who responded, the majority felt sceptical when thinking of advantages and benefits once leaving the European Union. Just under three quarters expressed they do not think any new business will come out of Brexit.

Founder and CEO of PeoplePerHour, Xenious Thrasyvoulou said;

“While exporting isn’t really an issue for most, the potential hike in the cost of hiring overseas talent – not to mention the inevitable added bureaucracy – is a real concern.

“The UK, will of course try to make agreements that will eliminate these problems but nothing is for certain. Having said that, an advantage could be that employment law control will be returned to the UK, which may make it more appealing to set up a business here.”
